Find Your Local Redline Agent
Redline is pleased to have a network of independent authorized dealers (we call them Agents) across the U.S., ready to solve your unique storage needs. These professionals have installed thousands of garage makeovers across North America.
Your local Authorized Agent will come to your home to discuss your needs and to get specific information on the space you need organized. This initial consultation is FREE and takes about an hour or so.
Based on the information you provided, your Agent will create a design specifically for your requirements. All designs are custom, since no two garages or needs are the same. In a couple of days you’ll receive a detailed written quote and a 3-D drawing of the proposed design.
Once you’ve settled on a design, your Agent will send your design and specifications directly to the factory to custom build your storage solution. Once your garage cabinets are completed, your Agent will expertly install your custom cabinets for you to enjoy.
Let’s get started!
To find an Agent in your area, enter your ZIP / POSTAL CODE in the box below, and click on the FIND AGENT button.
Enter your ZIP / POSTAL CODE.
Can’t find an Agent?
Call 877-624-2332 to find an Agent.